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How to find the planet mercury

How to Find the Planet Mercury – Can You Spot the Solar System’s Most Elusive Planet?

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the planet closest to the Sun. Being close to the Sun is the reason why Mercury is so difficult to find and view. It is often obscured by...

Earth-like Exoplanets and Factors that Affect Habitability

It is estimated that there are billions of Earth-like exoplanets, orbiting Sun-like stars, within a star’s habitable zone just in our Milky Way galaxy alone. Even if only a small percentage of these planets have the right conditions to sustain...
Dark Sky Sites in the UK That You Should Visit for Unforgettable Views of the Night Sky

Dark Sky Sites in the UK That You Should Visit for Unforgettable Views of the Night Sky

The UK is one of the few places in Europe where you can experience truly dark skies. If you are tired of light-polluted skies then discover some of the best dark sky locations in the UK...
Cygnus Constellation Mythology and History

Cygnus Constellation Mythology and History

What is the story behind the Cygnus constellation? In this post I will delve into the Cygnus constellation mythology and history. From its earliest origins and the varied mythology that surrounds it, through to its modern acceptance as an officially...
The Constellation Cygnus Swan in flight

The Constellation Cygnus

The Constellation Cygnus, also known as the Swan or Northern Cross, is one of the most fascinating and recognisable constellations in the night sky. Cygnus' northerly location makes it very accessible for observers in the northern hemisphere and its rich...

Astrophotography Focusing: How to get Sharp Stars

Many challenges come with astrophotography, but one of the most critical skills to master is achieving pinpoint star focus in your astrophotography images. There are several ways to achieve perfect star focus, and in this post, I will share the...
Samyang 135mm f2 ED UMC

Widefield Astrophotography with the Samyang 135mm f/2 Lens

If you are thinking of getting into astrophotography, then the Samyang 135mm f/2 ED UMC prime DSLR lens should be near the top of your shopping list. The 135mm focal length will allow you to capture impressive images of larger...
binocular targets for astronomy

Easy Astronomy Targets for Binoculars

Binoculars are an excellent way for beginners and experienced astronomers to explore the night sky. Their ability to gather more light than the naked eye will reveal a whole host of new stars, planetary moons, deep sky objects and lunar...
Perseid meteor shower 2020

Get Ready for the 2020 Perseid Meteor Shower

The annual Perseids meteor shower is one of the most active of the year. With the potential for over 100 meteors per hour at its peak, it is well worth making an effort to watch. Find out how and when...
The stellar magnitude scale feature

The Stellar Magnitude Scale

One of the most common terms that you will encounter in astronomy is stellar magnitude. It is the scale astronomers use to measure the brightness of all astronomical objects from stars and planets to distant galaxies and quasars. It is...
The Big Dipper

The Big Dipper: the Northern Signpost

The Big Dipper is one of the most easily recognisable star patterns in the night sky. It is a great starting point to discover other nearby constellations. This astronomy essentials post will introduce you to The Big Dipper and how to...
10 brightest stars

The 10 Brightest Stars in the Sky​

The night sky is filled with thousands of stars that are visible to the naked eye, however, some of these stars shine more brightly than others as viewed from Earth. These bright stars can be used as way-points to help...