
deepskystacker user interface screenshotOnce you have captured all your Astro images you need to stack them. 

This is where DeepSkyStacker comes in. 

DeepSkyStacker is often the go-to image-stacking software for deep-sky objects, such as nebulae, galaxies and clusters. It has an easy-to-use interface making it ideal for beginners who are just getting started in astrophotography. 

This freeware is a great way to register, align and stack all your light, dark, flat and bias frames; outputting a final image ready for post-processing. DeepSkyStacker is not suitable for stacking planetary, lunar or solar images, there are however several great options available for free, such as AutoStakkert!

DeepSkyStaker is regularly updated and has a large and active user base so there is no shortage of support, how-tos and tutorials to help you along the way.

Full details can be found on the DeepSkyStacker website.

Link to website  DeepSkyStacker

DeepSkyStacker At-a-glance

Use for:

  • Pre-processing
  • Deep sky objects (nebulae, galaxies and clusters)
  • Image registration
  • Alignment
  • Image stacking
  • Outputting images ready for post-processing

Main Features

  • Image registration
  • Quality scoring
  • Image preview
  • Multiple image stacking algorithm options
  • Hot pixel removal
  • Supports most  common DSLR camera RAW formats
  • Output .TIF or .FITs images


  • Regularly updated
  • Active discussion group
  • Detailed website
  • Comprehensive user manual
  • Large user base
  • Numerous online tutorials

Latest Version

DeepSkyStacker 5.1.5

Released Nov 17, 2023

Link to the latest version

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the links are correct and current, Stellar Discovery is not responsible for the content of these linked pages. Stellar Discovery does not distribute software. 

Stellar Discovery has no affiliation with this software package and has no direct interaction with the development team or the updating of this software. Any questions regarding this software should be sent directly to the software developers.

Credit and References

Copyright 2006-2029 Luc Coiffier
Copyright 2018-2023 David C. Partridge, Tony Cook, Mat Draper, Simon C. Smith, Vitali Pelenjow, Tomas Tatara, Michal Schulz, Martin Toeltsch, Lustin Amihaesei

David C. Partridge, the current lead developer for DeepSkyStacker.