PIPP - Planetary Imaging Pre-Processor

PIPP user interface

PIPP is a lunar and planetary image pre-processing tool, its primary use is to help speed up image stacking of large video files obtained when capturing images of the Moon or planets.

The main functions of PIPP include:

  • Cropping frames to an area of interest, removing all the empty black space.
  • Centralising an object such as a planet or the Moon in case of tracking drift.
  • Quality estimation and reordering of each frame to ensure only the best frames are included in the final image stack. The number of frames that should be kept can be specified by the user.

PIPP does not output a final stacked image but helps prepare a video file or set of images for planetary or lunar image stacking software.

Support for PIPP has now been withdrawn by the developers and the original website is no longer available. However, there is still a large user base and archived links to the last released version are still available and are linked below. 

As PIPP is still a popular tool there are numerous how-tos and tutorials available online for you to find.

Archived details and links to the last downloadable version are available at the following website.

Link to website PIPP Archive

PIPP At-a-glance

Use for:

  • Pre-Pre-processing of Planetary and Lunar images
  • Reduce the processing time of stacking software

Main Features

  • Input video files or image sequences
  • Object centering
  • Crop empty space to reduce frame size
  • Discard empty frames
  • Quality estimation and reordering
  • Debayer RAW files
  • Histogram equalisation
  • Extract RGB frames
  • Outputs a video file ready for stacking


  • The last update was in January 2017
  • Archived website still available
  • Comprehensive user manual
  • Large user base
  • Online tutorials
  • Support can be found on popular astronomy forums

Latest Version

PIPP v2.5.9

Released Jan 07, 2017

Link to latest version https://web.archive.org/web/20230531163522/https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/downloads

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the links are correct and current, Stellar Discovery is not responsible for the content of these linked pages. Stellar Discovery does not distribute software. 

Stellar Discovery has no affiliation with this software package and has no direct interaction with the development team or the updating of this software. Any questions regarding this software should be sent directly to the software developers.

Credit and References

PIPP – Planetary Imaging PreProcessor
Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Chris Gary